Welcome to the Official Website for International Academy of Mental World Records
Citius, Altius, FortiusFaster, higher, stronger –the Olympic motto. But there are limitations to what the physical can achieve before the body cracks up. For those of you who have enjoyed the thrill of being terrified by science fiction or fantasy monsters such as the 60 foot spider, take heart from the fact that this is an anatomical impossibility. Come a certain size and the body of a super-arachnid would simplyimplode. Then again, the four-minute mile created a furore when this important barrier was first broken. Since those heady days, however, progress in speed running over middle distances has become tectonic. With the human body designed as it now is, a one-minute mile is patently not possible. Of course, over the future aeons of Darwinian evolution, the human body may develop wheels, thus solving the citius problem at a stroke, but we are certainly very distant from such fantasmagorical speculations.
However, in the realm of the mental achievements there are, believe it or not, virtually no limits. Try imagining, for example, a very large amount of money which you would like to be yours. It does not take long to multiply this sum by ten, or a hundred or a million – the human brain is the most complicated entity known to humankind, far outstripping distant galaxies in the complexity of its organisation. Hence, where the body, seen in a quasi-manichean dichotomy, may be restricted, the mind is free to soar to infinity. |
exists to recognise the achievements of Mental Athletes around the world. In additional to arbiting world record attempts and awarding certificates of achievement, the Academy is also linked to the International Festival of the Mind, which showcases mental achievements in the five learning mind Sports of Memory, Speed Reading, Creativity, Mind Mapping and IQ.