The World Speed Reading Council was established to promote, train and recognise achievements in the field of Speed Reading worldwide. Apart from developing the ability to gain an understanding of large quantities of text in a short time, Speed Reading is one of the five Learning Mind Sports which can be practised competitively. The other Learning Mind Sports are Mind Mapping, Memory, Creativity, and IQ. All five disciplines can be found in The Festival of the Mind, a showcase for Mind Sports, which is held around the world.
Speed-reading is closely allied to the other Mind Sports. Mind Mapping trains the brain to pick out key points in texts and the relationships between ideas. As we read, we can use our imaginations creatively to improve our recall subsequently. We can use our intelligence to link new concepts to existing knowledge and create a new synthesis of ideas. Reading at a fast speed ensures that our attention is fully on the text and nowhere else.
In 2007 the six times World Champion Speed Reader is Anne Jones read “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” at Borders, Charing Cross Road, London in a record breaking 47 minutes and one second – 4251 words per minute. She then reviewed the book for the Independent and also for Sky TV.


and can be obtained from the World Memory or the Buzan websites price plus post and packing within the UK of £2. |