The Festival of the Mind is a showcase event for the five learning Mind
Sports of Memory, Speed Reading, IQ, Creativity and Mind Mapping. The first
Festival was held in the Royal Albert Hall in 1995 and was organised by OBE and . Since then, the Festival has
been held in the UK, alongside the World Memory Championships in Oxford, and
in other countries around the world including Malaysia, China and most
recently in Bahrain.
The interest from the public in all the five learning mind Sports is growing
worldwide so, not surprisingly, the Festival is a big attraction. In fact,
an event devoted solely to Mind Maps with Tony Buzan filled the Albert Hall
again in 2006.
The Festival of the Mind is a very scaleable event and can combine a number
of elements which include an exhibition of the latest books, products,
software and training to enhance the Brain, as well as master classes,
lectures and training from leading figures in the field of brain training.
The Festival is often held alongside a major championship or competition
related to one of the five learning Mind Sports.
and can be obtained from the World Memory or the Buzan websites price plus post and packing within the UK of £2. |